Letter: Make it easier for cottage companies on Guam

Letter: Make it easier for cottage companies on Guam

I’m yes you have got noticed, like We have, that we now have more folks online offering food that is homemade Facebook teams or family members WhatsApp chats. Perhaps you’ve even wondered: may be the food secure?

All 50 states, Puerto Rico therefore the Virgin isles have simplified laws for small-scale, low-risk meals vendors such as for example these. They are called “cottage industry” rules.

Cottage companies are understood to be company, manufacturing and/or food production that is done in a person’s home or dwelling for small-scale purchase on roadsides, farmer’s areas , to family members and friends or on line. We now have seen a expansion of those companies on Guam since the pandemic began, as individuals struggling to guide their own families are embracing imaginative and ways that are innovative make a living.

Also before this pandemic, one of these we possibly may all be aware of is those offering tuba on the roadside. This could be from a family members that produces them from coconut trees on the house or ranch home. This sort of entrepreneurship happens to be section of our tradition so long as this manamko’ can keep in mind.

As well because for for as long it has been problem-free as I can remember.

Encourage entrepreneurship

We must encourage that entrepreneurship and drive that is independent hails from ab muscles core of our history. For this end, i’m writing legislation mirroring legislation that exists in Hawaii and Ca to offer a less burdensome framework that is regulatory allow home-based companies to flourish. Read More …